We have been invited to perform for our very first time at Juguemos a cantar!

P for Puppets present:  One, Two, Tres!  at

When: Sunday October 6th @4.30pm

Location: 463 6th Ave at 10 St.- South Slope , Brooklyn

Tickets: $10p/child- $5p/adult. Advance tickets required. (Limited Space)
To buy tickets go to :  http://www.juguemos.org/events.html

We will be at The Atlantic Antic! One of the largest Street fair at NYC!

Atlantic Antic Brooklyn 2013
Sunday September 29 

Everyone is invited to enjoy a beautiful  autumn day in the street, full of fun and local food, art , music and  all kind of people having fun together .

We love The Atlantic Antic Fair! 

We will be performing for FREE at 1:00 pm 
at Gumbo 

493 Atlantic Avenue
Brooklyn NY 11217
(bet. Third ave and Nevins St)

The Show and puppet making workshop at Rockaway

We had so much fun last weekend at Rockaway with Arts N Parts.
Thank you for a great time and great people .

P for Puppets at Arts - Parts, sunday Sept. 8th at 1:00 pm.

  • We will be performing this coming Sunday at The ROCKAWAYS, and also we'll be part of a fabulous project:  Arts in Parts that is taking place at the Rockaways, their mission is  give to the children of the area the opportunity to have a whole summer filled with ART and more.     If you want to know more about their work visit: http://artsinparts.com/about.html
  • We will be making puppets after the show. Everyone is welcome,  so, come along make puppets with us and enjoy the last warm days of the year at the Rockaway beach.
  • The Show will be on Sunday September 8 , at 1:00 pm . The puppet making workshop will be right after the show, everything is going to happen at the Arts-Parts location at :
  • 190 beach 9th St. ROCKAWAY BEACH, NY 11693.